Gynecomastia is characterized by the presence of male breasts formed by excessive breast tissue, skin, and/or fat. Although lifestyle changes may offer some reduction in the appearance of male breasts, gynecomastia is many times best corrected with surgical methods. Performed properly, male breast reduction surgery can put an end to your struggles with gynecomastia.
Choosing a Surgeon for Male Breast Reduction
Surgical solutions for gynecomastia can vary widely depending on the specific needs of the patient, and it is therefore important to select a dynamic plastic surgeon who has a history of experience and success performing male breast reduction procedures. Dr. John Michael Sarbak is skilled in several minimal incision male breast reduction techniques and expertly combines these approaches to address all physical aspects of gynecomastia.
Options for Male Breast Reduction Surgery
The extent of the surgery required to correct the appearance of male breasts usually depends upon the extent of the condition. Each case is different, and therefore requires a customized surgical approach to achieve successful results. Dr. Sarbak may use one or several of the following minimal incision or traditional breast reduction techniques to address excess breast tissue, fat, and/or skin:
- In less pronounced cases, excision of the extra breast tissue can be performed through small incisions at the base of the nipple.
- In some patients excess fat in the breasts can be addressed through very small incisions with liposuction cannulas and advanced liposuction techniques.
- One of the most creative approaches for removing excess breast tissue utilizes a cartilaginous shaver (like the kind used in arthroscopic knee surgery) through very small incisions in combination with liposuction.
- In extreme cases, incisions are made around the nipple and sometimes extending towards the base of the chest in an effort to remove extra skin and glandular tissue.
Results of gynecomastia correction surgery can be life-changing for many men, especially those who have been dealing with male breasts since adolescence. The first step toward getting rid of your gynecomastia is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sarbak. During your visit Dr. Sarbak can answer your questions about gynecomastia, perform a thorough examination, and discuss your options for surgery.