Breast augmentation, much like any other surgical procedure, comes with its own set of risks. With a highly trained, experienced, and educated plastic surgeon like Dr. John M. Sarbak of Premier Plastic Surgery and Spa, any potential negative side effects from breast augmentation can be mitigated and greatly reduced. One unique surgical method that Dr. Sarbak performs is the transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) procedure, which utilizes an incision in the belly button rather than in the chest area to reduce the chances of leaving behind visible scars.
Many wonder if this more complicated method of breast augmentation is safe. Dr. Sarbak believes the TUBA technique can be as safe as traditional breast enhancement surgery when performed by the right plastic surgeon. At Premier Plastic Surgery and Spa, patients interested in TUBA breast augmentation are generally looking to avoid potential scarring on or around the breasts as other techniques are known to do. In addition to providing a practically “scarless” result, Dr. Sarbak has contended that the TUBA option allows for him to have greater control and accuracy of his breast implant placement which can lead to a more safe and successful surgery.
TUBA breast augmentation utilizes saline-filled breast implants, which are generally considered to be safe for enhancing the appearance of one’s breasts. Saline is simply a saltwater-based solution and does not pose a threat to the body in the rare event that an implant ruptures, as the substance can safely be absorbed.
Dr. Sarbak will go over the complete details of your procedure, answer any questions you might have, and further discuss the TUBA method during your initial consultation should you be an ideal candidate for it. If you want to know more about the safety of TUBA breast augmentation, please contact our practice today or schedule a consultation.